Frequently Asked Questions


  • Where can I purchase Xsensible shoes?

    Where can I purchase Xsensible shoes?You can use the link below to find the shop nearest you that stocks our shoes. 
  • Can I order directly from Xsensible?

    No, unfortunately we do not have our own online shop. We only sell our shoes through retailers.
    As a consumer, you will need to visit a local retailer or an online shop.

  • What’s special about the rocker sole?

    Stretchwalkers combine the best of two worlds: Japanese innovation in sole design and Xsensible stretch technology, blended to create a revolutionary walking shoe. The Stretchwalker by Xsensible. The rocker bottom consists of two soft EVA parts and one reinforced balance point that ensures the foot rolls automatically as you walk.

    This makes walking easier, more pleasant and healthier, without any special training required. Xsensible worked with Japanese partners for two years to develop and perfect this unique product. Stretchwalker is based on the Japanese Ippon-ba geta sandal and ensures a natural rolling motion of the foot that reduces pressure on the joints.

    Not all of our shoes are designed on the basis of this ancient Japanese sandal. For example, Xsensible women’s shoes do not feature this concept; it is only available in our Stretchwalker model.
  • In which widths are Xsensible shoes available?

    The shoe widths are listed on our website in the product information.
    If the width is followed by a letter ‘X’, this indicates that Xsensible Inside® stretch leather has been used.
    This patented technology ensures that our shoes adjust themselves to your foot as the day goes on.

    In fact, our use of stretch leather/suede means that our shoes can accommodate a wider foot size.
    So for example, an H-size foot may in some cases fit into a G-sized shoe.
    Of course, this varies from model to model, and we always advise consumers and retailers that trying on the shoe is the best course of action.
  • Can I order new insoles?

    It is possible to order new insoles (item 91005) for our Stretchwalker shoes. All of our retailers can order these from us if they do not have them in stock.
  • Can I come to Xsensible for medical advice?

    We are regularly asked questions of a medical nature, such as whether our shoes are medically suitable.
    Unfortunately, we are unable to provide any medical advice. Our Stretchwalker shoes are regularly used by chiropodists for consumers with foot problems. We do hear positive reports with respect to heel spurs, Achilles tendon injuries, lower back complaints, Morton’s neuroma, etc.
    We advise you to consult your specialist to discuss these sorts of questions.
  • Are Xsensible shoes suitable for people with allergies?

    Our shoes are not chrome-free. We use buckles that do meet European standards, but they are not nickel-free. The glue we use contains no traces of pentachlorophenol, chromium, formaldehyde, nickel, azo dyes or rosin.


  • What are some potential maintenance issues?

    Do not store your shoes while they are still wet. Wait until they are completely dry before storing them in a plastic bag or shoe cabinet. If you store your shoes wet, there’s a good chance they will become mouldy or start to smell bad. Put your shoes in a dry, well-ventilated spot so that they can dry out completely before you store them. However, do not place them on or near any kind of heating element or other heat source.

    Do not wrap leather shoes in plastic. Leather and suede shoes must be able to ‘breathe’ while in storage. If you wrap them in plastic, they may become mouldy or discoloured.

    Do not stack your shoes on top of one another. Many people stack their shoes in order to save space. However, if you store your shoes in this way, they will eventually begin to lose their shape. It’s fine to stack flip-flops on top of each other, but shoes with a more substantial form should be stored side by side. Even if you stack your shoes with one upside down, they will become deformed in due course.
  • What are some important things to remember with respect to shoe maintenance?

    1. After wearing your shoes, inserting shoe trees can help keep the leather in good condition and maintain the shape of the shoe. For lacquer shoes, inserting shoe trees helps prevent the lacquer becoming creased or cracked. How does this work? After being worn, your shoes are warm and moulded to the shape of your foot. When you take them off, they cool down and dry out, and the leather shrinks. By immediately inserting a shoe tree, you maintain the tension on your shoes so that they keep their fit. Do make sure to choose wooden shoe trees instead of plastic ones. Wood has a moisture-extracting and neutralising effect that helps keep your lacquer shoes fresh and in good condition.

    2. Even if you only store your shoes overnight and intend to wear them again the next day, it’s a good idea to clean them first before storing them. Allow your shoes to dry before putting them away. You can clean leather and suede shoes by brushing off any dirt and dusting off the material with a soft, non-abrasive brush. Use a cleaner specially for leather or suede to remove spots.

    3. If you store your shoes correctly, they will continue to look good and will last for many seasons. You should protect your shoes from dust, water and sunlight to prevent the colour from fading and the material warping when the shoes are stored. Make sure not to stack your shoes or toss them into a pile as this will cause them to lose their shape. Keep your shoes in their original shoe boxes or in storage boxes, so that they keep their brand new appearance.



  • Are Xsensible shoes waterproof/water-resistant?

    There is a clear distinction between waterproof and water-resistant.
    Waterproof means that the shoes keep water out even when submerged for an extended period. That is, if you were to stand in water for a day, the inside of the shoe – and therefore your feet too – would remain completely dry.

    Water-resistant (NOT waterproof) means that no water will enter the shoes when they are exposed to water for a short period. Walking briefly in the rain won’t pose any problems, but if you walk through wet grass or under wet conditions for longer, then you’ll get wet feet. We can never say for sure how long your feet will stay dry in water-resistant shoes, as this depends on a variety of circumstances.

    By contrast, when it comes to waterproof shoes we can say that your feet will always stay dry (as long as the water doesn’t run into the top of your shoes).
    By applying the membrane and sealing the stitching, we keep water away from the leather, therefore making it ‘waterproof’. This also applies to the bottom part of a shoe or boot. (For a shoe, this is approximately 3 cm above the edge of the sole). This means that if the toe of the shoe is completely submerged, the water may run in along the lacing. For boots, this is a little higher.


  • Where should I take my questions or complaints about my shoes?

    We recommend that you always contact the shop from which you bought the shoes. No matter what your question or complaint, the retailer will be able to advise you and/or offer a suitable solution. If necessary, the retailer will contact us as the supplier for advice.